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05 April 2024HTB Codify Writeup
# Enumeration I will start with a port scanning on the machine's ip to identify ports opened: ```bash ❯ sudo...
nodejs, rce, sqlite3, hashes, sudoers, bash-bruteforcingHTB
08 April 2024HTB Hospital Writeup
## Enumeration I will start with a basic port scanning with nmap: ```bash ❯ nmap -sVC -p- --open -sS --min-rate...
webshell_upload, kernel_exploits, hash_cracking, pivoting, phishing, ghostscript_rceHTB
17 April 2024HTB Surveillance writeup
In this machine, we have a web service vulnerable to RCE of [Craft CMS 4.4.14 exploit]( that give us access...
craft_cms, hash_cracking, zoneminder_exploit, sudoers, abusing_zmupdate.plHTB
26 April 2024HTB Devvortex Writeup
In this machine, we have a joomla web vulnerable to [CVE-2023-23752]( that gives us the password of lewis user to...
joomla, CVE-2023-23752, information_leakage, password_reuse, joomla_rce, database_enumeration, hash_cracking, ssh, sudoers, apport-cli, CVE-2023-1326HTB
03 May 2024HTB Napper Writeup
In this machine, we have a information disclosure in a posts page. Next, we have to exploit a backdoor present...
information_disclosure, abusing_backdoor, naplistener, elasticsearch, reverse_engineering, go_reverse_engineering, decryption_with_AES, runascsHTB
11 May 2024HTB Monitored Writeup
In this machine, we have a snmp service that leaks credentials that we can use to nagiosxi using the api...
udp, snmp, nagiosxi, api, nagios_rce, sudoers, abusing_nagios_scriptsHTB
18 May 2024HTB Ouija Writeup
Ouija is a insane machine in which we have to complete the following steps. In first place, we have to...
fuzzing, html_inspection, information_leakage, haproxy, http_request_smuggling, CVE-2021-40346, source_code_inspection, hash_extension_attack, lfi, proc_files, php_plugin, integer_overflow, buffer_overflow, webshellHTB
24 May 2024HTB Bizness Writeup
Bizness is an easy machine in which we gain access by exploiting CVE-2023-51467 and CVE-2023-49070 vulnerabilitites of Apache Ofbiz. Then,...
apache_ofbiz, CVE-2023-51467, CVE-2023-49070, hash_cracking, hash_salt, suHTB
05 June 2024HTB Analysis Writeup
Analysis is a hard machine of HackTheBox in which we have to do the following things. First, we have to...
fuzzing, ldap-injection, php-shell, upload-vulnerabilities, autologon, dll-injectionHTB
08 June 2024HTB Pov Writeup
Pov is a Windows machine with a medium difficulty rating in which we have to do the following things. First,...
lfi, web.config, deserialization, exploiting-viewstate, decrypting-securestring, sedebugprivilegeHTB
13 June 2024HTB Crafty writeup
Crafty is a easy windows machine in HackTheBox in which we have to abuse the following things. In first place,...
minecraft, log4j, jdgui, analyzing-jar, minecraft-pluginsHTB
21 June 2024HTB Office writeup
Office is a Hard Windows machine in which we have to do the following things. First, we have a Joomla...
joomla-information-disclosure, CVE-2023-23752, smb-enumeration, pcap-tcp-packet-analysis, wireshark, krb-hash, joomla-rce, runascs, password-reuse, port-forwading, libreoffice-odt-exploitation, CVE-2023-2255, dpapi-creds, mimikatz, bloodhound, modifying-group-policyHTB
28 June 2024HTB Jab writeup
Jab is a Windows machine in which we need to do the following things to pwn it. First, we have...
xmpp, xmpp-user-enumeration, asreproast, hash-cracking, executedcom,, openfire-rce, CVE-2023-32315HTB
06 July 2024HTB Perfection writeup
Perfection is a easy linux machine which starts with a ruby SSTI in a grade calculator combined with a CRLF...
ssti, ruby, crlf-injection, sqlite, hash-cracking, sudo-groupHTB
15 July 2024HTB Corporate writeup
# Enumeration ## Port scanning I will start with a basic TCP port scanning with nmap to see which ports...
xss, bypass-csp, cookie-hijacking, idor, vpn, password-spraying, .mozilla-enumeration, bruteforce-bitwarden-pin, source-code-analysis, cookie-forging, jwt, docker-privesc, abupveHTB
20 July 2024HTB Headless writeup
Headless is an Easy Linux machine of HackTheBox where first its needed to make a XSS attack in the User-Agent...
xss, command-injection, sudoers, path-hijacking-./HTB
27 July 2024HTB WifineticTwo writeup
WifineticTwo is a linux medium machine where we can practice wifi hacking. First, I will exploit a OpenPLC runtime instance...
openplc, cve-2021-31630, wifi-scanning, pixiedust, port-scanning, sshHTB
03 August 2024HTB IClean writeup
IClean is a Linux medium machine where we will learn different things. First, there is a web that offers a...
xss, ssti, sql, password-reuse, qpdf, sudoersHTB
10 August 2024HTB Usage writeup
Usage is a linux easy machine which start with a SQL injection in a forgot password functionality. With this SQL...
sql-injection, boolean-based-sql-injection, hash-cracking, upload-vulnerabilities, monit, sudoers, abuse-symlinks, zipHTB
17 August 2024HTB FormulaX writeup
FormulaX starts with a website used to chat with a bot. Here, there is a contact section where I can...
xss, websocket, simple-git-cve, CVE-2022-24066, mongodb, hash-cracking, librenms, librenms-abuse-template, laravel-blade, php, env-creds, sudoers, libreoffice-server-abuse, apache-uno-apiHTB
24 August 2024HTB Runner writeup
{% raw %} Runner is a linux medium machine that teaches teamcity exploitation and portainer exploitation. First, I will abuse...
teamcity, cve-2023-42793, teamcity-api, teamcity-rce, hsql, bcrypt, hash-cracking, id_rsa, portainerHTB
02 September 2024HTB Skyfall writeup
{% raw %} Skyfall is a linux insane machine that teaches things about cloud and secrets management using third parties...
forbidden-bypass, minio-cloud, minio-cve, CVE-2023-28432, hashicorp-vault, vault-ssh, sudoers, vault-unseal, race-conditionHTB
07 September 2024HTB Mailing writeup
{% raw %} Mailing is an easy Windows machine that teaches the following things. First, its needed to abuse a...
lfi, hMailServer, hMailServer-configuration, hash-cracking, outlook-vulnerabilities, CVE-2024-21413, ntlm-hash, libreoffice-odt-exploit, CVE-2023-2255HTB
14 September 2024HTB Intuition writeup
{% raw %} Intuition is a linux hard machine with a lot of steps involved. First, I will abuse a...
xss, cookie-hijacking, cve-2023-24329, urllib, ssrf, ssrf-to-lfi, url-wrappers, ftp, ssh-key, ssh-key-comments, sqlite, hash-cracking, binary-analysis, suricata-logs, sudoers, ghidra, command-executionHTB
21 September 2024HTB Solarlab writeup
{% raw %} Solarlab is a windows machine that requires few steps to complete. First, I will extract passwords from...
smb, spreadsheet, libreoffice, bruteforcing-web, rce, CVE-2023-33733, pdf, openfire-exploit, CVE-2023-32315, openfire-database, decrypt-password, javaHTB
28 September 2024HTB Boardlight writeup
{% raw %} Boardlight is a linux machine that involves dolibarr exploitation and an enlightenment cve. First, a discovered subdomain...
dolibarr, CVE-2023-30253, subdomain-enumeration, crm, erp, php-injection, php-configuration, mysql, password-reuse, suid, enlightenment, CVE-2022-37706HTB
05 October 2024HTB Freelancer writeup
{% raw %} Freelancer is a windows machine with a lot of techniques like web and active directory. First, I...
forgot-password, idor, qrcode, mssql, xp_cmdshell, sql-configuration, crash-dump-analysis, active-directory-acls, genericwrite, nt-hashes, secretsdumpHTB
12 October 2024HTB Blurry writeup
{% raw %} Blurry is a medium linux machine from HackTheBox that involves ClearML and pickle exploitation. First, I will...
clearml, machine-learning, CVE-2024-24590, pickle, deserialization, python-torch, sudoers